Hacking and information security – the complete guide

In the digital age, hacking has become a constant and evolving threat, with advanced hacking techniques developing at a rapid pace. To deal with these threats, it is important to understand the methods used by attackers and to learn how to protect our information systems by securing information and enriching professional knowledge.

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  • The articles, training, and demo provided in Pro Guides are for informational and educational purposes only, and for those who are willing and curious to know and learn about ethical hacking, security, and penetration testing. Any time the word “hacking” is used on this site it will be considered ethical hacking.
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The best hacking tools on the market and how to protect against them

Flipper Zero \ Flipper Zero

The Flipper Zero device is a powerful Pen Testing tool in a toy-like body (Tamguchi style). It is capable of hacking digital devices, such as radio protocols, access control systems, televisions, electric gates, hardware and more. The software on the Flipper Zero device is completely open source and customizable, so you can expand / update it in any way you want.

How to defend yourself from Flipper Zero?
  1. Cell phones – turning off Bluetooth when it is not needed – the new option in Flipper Zero is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) spam attacks.
  2. Updating the operating system to version iOS 17.2 or higher (Apple issued a patch for the Bluetooth attack)
What can’t be defended against?
  1. Infrared – everything related to infrared is vulnerable to damage without being able to defend yourself (TVs, electric gates, etc.), basically everything that works with remotes that transmit a signal.

USB Rubber Ducky \ USB Rubber Ducky

Computers trust humans. Humans use keyboards. Hence the universal specification – HID (Human Interface Device), or in other words: human interface device. A keyboard that presents itself as a HID, and in turn is trusted as a human by the computer. The USB Rubber Ducky – which looks like an innocent flash drive to humans – abuses this trust to infiltrate the computer, injecting keystrokes at superhuman speeds.

How to defend yourself from rubber ducky?
  1. Preventing physical access – not allowing human access to the personal computer.

Information security terms \ hacking \ cyber

RFID Fuzzing is the process of testing components or systems that use RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology by transmitting a wide variety of unexpected or non-standard inputs, with the aim of identifying vulnerabilities, faults or security weaknesses. This process involves sending fuzzy data or scrambling codes to the RFID system to test how it reacts to abnormal or unexpected situations. The fuzzing attack is primarily used by information security experts and researchers to improve the reliability and safety of RFID systems, from commodity identification tags to biometric and access control uses.

פריצה-מתקדמות-ואיך-להתגונן-מפ-wpaicgheading">A brute force attack is a method of hacking computer systems in which the attacker tries to guess the password or encryption key by trial and error. In this method, the attacker uses software that automatically makes many login attempts in a short time, with each attempt using a different combination of characters until the program manages to find the correct password. This is a simple method but can be very effective if there are no protection mechanisms such as limiting the number of login attempts or complex password requirements. Brute force attacks can be time consuming and complex depending on the length and complexity of the password.

MITM, or “Man In The Middle”, is a type of cyber attack in which the attacker connects between two parties who are communicating with each other in order to spy on, change or interfere with the data being transmitted between them. During a MITM attack, the attacker can impersonate one or both parties and gain access to sensitive information, such as login details, payment details or personal information. These attacks can occur in unsecured networks, such as public Wi-Fi, and sometimes techniques such as ARP spoofing or SSL stripping are used to breach the security of communications. Defense against MITM attacks includes using authenticated digital certificates, end-to-end encryption, and avoiding unsecured networks.

Common MHz transmissions and their explanation

What is the 433 MHz frequency?

The 433 MHz frequency is a radio frequency that is in the frequency range defined as UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) or very high frequency. This frequency is used for a variety of uses, mainly for uncomplicated communication and short distances. Examples of uses include remote controls, wireless alarm systems, smart home sensors and more. In many countries, this frequency is considered a “free frequency”, which does not require a license to use, is user-friendly and is particularly popular because of this. However, since it is open for use by the general public, there may be interference and background noise from other devices using the same frequency.

Advanced hacking and hacking techniques and how to defend against them


One of the most advanced techniques is password cracking using brute force (Brute Force Attack), where the attacker tries to guess passwords by running programs that perform millions of attempts per second. To protect against brute force, it is recommended to use long and complex passwords, which combine upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.

Another technique is the passive attack, in which the attacker “listens” to the data traffic on the network without the knowledge of the users. To counter passive eavesdropping, it is important to use strong encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS when communicating securely over the Internet.

Phishing is a type of hacking in which the attacker tries to trick people into revealing sensitive information, such as credit card details or passwords, by sending emails or messages that appear to come from a trusted source. The protection against phishing includes warnings to users to always check the web address of the sites where they enter sensitive information and to avoid clicking on suspicious links.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on the victim’s computer and demands a ransom to release them. Protection against ransomware includes keeping regular backups of important data and installing up-to-date antivirus software.

Another sophisticated cyber attack is the APT (Advanced Persistent Threat), in which a group of hackers focuses on a specific target over time, usually with espionage or economic damage goals. Protection from APT requires a combination of technological tools and practices that ensure comprehensive information security, including constant network monitoring and practicing attack scenarios.

Finally, it is important to emphasize the role of personal awareness in protecting against hacking. Employees in organizations should be aware of the risks and be trained in identifying hacking attempts. Training workshops and exercises can help employees understand the threats and know how to respond in the event of a hack attempt.

In summary, dealing with advanced hacking techniques requires a multidimensional approach that includes advanced security technologies, a strong information security policy, and constant training of employees. Only by combining all of these can you ensure the most effective protection against the constant threats of hackers in the modern digital world.

Recommendations for maintaining privacy and safety on the Internet

In an era where the Internet is an integral part of our lives, our privacy and safety online have become issues that cannot remain outside our sphere of interest. Hacking and cyber intrusions are a reality that each of us may face, so it is important to know the ways to protect ourselves in the digital world.

First, it’s important to understand that maintaining strong passwords is the first line of defense. Passwords should be complex and include special characters, numbers, upper and lower case letters. Also, it’s important not to use the same password for multiple services, because if a hacker manages to break into one of the services, they can easily access the rest of your accounts.

In addition, using two-step verification is another essential tool in the fight against hacks. Even if hackers manage to get your password, they will also need a code sent to you via SMS or a secure app to complete the hack. This is an additional layer of security that can disrupt the attackers’ plans.

We must also be alert to phishing – fraudulent attempts to convince us to reveal personal information or login details. It is always important to check the URL to which we connect and make sure it is secure (HTTPS instead of HTTP). Do not click on questionable links and do not download files that you are not sure about their origin.

The software we use should always be updated. These updates not only improve performance, but also fix security holes that could be a weak point for cyber attacks. Advanced antivirus software and firewalls can help detect and block malware before it does damage.

It is also important to be aware of the information we share on social networks. Personal details can be used by hackers to guess passwords or carry out targeted attacks. You should check your privacy settings and make sure you only share information with people you trust.

Finally, it is important to be alert to our digital environment. If something seems suspicious or not right, it should be taken seriously. Report suspicious activity, change passwords regularly, and use secure storage services for important information.

In a world where cyber threats are increasing, awareness and self-defense are our most powerful weapons. By taking simple but important steps, we can increase our safety online and continue to enjoy the many benefits the Internet offers, while maintaining our privacy and security.

Analysis of famous hacking and hacking cases and lessons learned


In the digital age, hacking has become a constant threat to companies, governments and individuals. Famous security breaches such as Yahoo’s in 2013, where a billion accounts were hacked, or the WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017, which affected hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide, demonstrate the destructive potential of hackers. Every hacking case teaches us the importance of protecting information and systems, and offers important lessons for the future.

Analysis of famous hacking cases reveals interesting patterns. Sometimes, breaches resulted from basic security weaknesses, such as weak passwords or lack of software updates. In other cases, more sophisticated attacks used phishing or spying techniques to penetrate systems. The common denominator for most cases is that they were preventable with proper information security protocols.

For example, in the case of Yahoo, one of the main problems was that the company did not encrypt user passwords strongly enough. The lesson learned from this is that it is important to use advanced encryption algorithms and ensure that all sensitive data is protected at the highest level. Also, it is important to update the systems regularly and not to ignore security alerts.

In the case of WannaCry, the virus spread through a vulnerability in the Windows operating system that was not addressed in time. The lesson learned from this is that security updates are essential and should be done immediately. Companies and private users should be alert to these updates and understand that they are a first line of defense against malware.

In addition to the technical lessons, there are also organizational lessons. It is important that the security culture be an integral part of any organization. Employees should undergo training and be aware of the risks and the appropriate way to deal with them. It is also important to establish emergency response teams that can intervene quickly and prevent greater damage.

Hacking and cyber security is an ongoing cat and mouse chase. As technology advances, so do hackers find new ways to penetrate systems. Therefore, it is important to be one step ahead of the attackers and invest in information security constantly. It also includes the understanding that information security does not end with the installation of an antivirus or firewall, but is a continuous process of learning, adapting and improving.

In the end, every hacking case serves as a source of learning and improvement. The challenge is not to be stressed by the threats, but to deal with them in an informed and sophisticated manner. In a world where information is the most valuable asset, information security is not just a need – it is a necessity.

A guide to building an effective information security policy in organizations

Data Security

In the digital age, when every day brings with it technological innovations, hacking and cyber threats have become a major challenge in every organization. To deal with these threats, it is essential to develop an effective information security policy that will protect the organization’s data and systems from hacks and attacks. How can this be done? Here are several steps to help build a comprehensive and effective information security policy.

First, it is important to understand the risks. Every organization is exposed to different types of threats, so a risk analysis should be performed to identify its weak points. This can include assessing the likelihood of cyber-attacks, identifying critical assets and understanding the consequences of information loss or damage.

Once the risks have been identified, a policy must be developed that clearly defines the goals and procedures of information security. This policy should be authoritative and include instructions for all levels of the organization, from management to individual employees. It is important that the policy be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the technological environment and cyber threats.

The best way to ensure that the policy is implemented is to ensure regular training and education of the employees. Every employee must be aware of the information security policy and understand its importance. In addition, practice and exercises that will test the organization’s ability to deal with emergencies must be observed.

In addition, it is important to invest in advanced security technologies. This can include solutions such as firewalls, antivirus, network monitoring and encryption. These technologies must be updated regularly and ensure that they are suitable for the latest cyber threats.

Beyond technology, it is important to adhere to safe work procedures. This includes procedures such as safe password management, limiting access to sensitive information and using secure wireless networks. Each of these procedures can be critical in preventing security breaches.

One of the most important elements in building an information security policy is the commitment of the organization’s management. A management that understands the importance of security and invests resources in it will set an example for employees and encourage the full implementation of the policy.

Finally, it is important to perform security checks and follow the organization’s progress in the field. This can include penetration testing, information security audits and security incident tracking. These tests will help identify potential security holes and fix them before they become a problem.

Building an effective information security policy is an ongoing process that requires thought, planning and monitoring. By investing in education, technology, safe work practices and management support, organizations can protect themselves from the constant threats of hacking and cyber security.