Biscuits cake recipe

On hot and summer days, when the craving for sweets increases, there is nothing like a light and delicious biscuit cake. It is suitable for any situation and any event, and the best thing about its preparation is that it is simple and fast. So if you are looking for a simple and delicious biscuit cake recipe, here are 5 simple steps to help you make the perfect cake.

Ingredients and method of preparation of biscuit cake

Ingredients: – 400 grams of vanilla biscuits – 200 grams of butter – a cup of sugar – 4 eggs – 2 bags of cocoa – half a cup of dark cocoa chocolate for coating Method of preparation: 1. Place the biscuits in a plastic bag and crush them into crumbs with a rolling pin. 2. Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. 3. Transfer the crushed biscuits to a bowl and add the melted butter, sugar, eggs and the two bags of cocoa. Mix well until the mixture comes together. 4. Transfer the mixture into a greased round mold and flatten it well. 5. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cake for about 25 minutes. 6. After the cake is ready, cool it for a few hours. 7. Before serving, melt the dark chocolate and cover the cake with it. 8. You can also add additional decorations such as chocolate chips or cocoa. 9. Wait for the chocolate to dry a little and then serve. enjoy your meal!  

5 simple steps to make a perfect biscuit cake

Step 1: Gather the ingredients to make a biscuit cake You will only need a few simple ingredients that you probably already have at home. You will need biscuits, sweet milk, cocoa and some sugar. If you want to add more flavor, you can also add strawberries, bananas or other fruits to your taste. Step 2: Fry the biscuits to prepare the base of the cake, you will need to fry the biscuits in sweet milk. You can use any biscuits you have at home, but you should use soft biscuits so that they are easier to fry. Fry the biscuits in sweet milk until they absorb the milk and form a soft and delicious cream. Step 3: Prepare the cream To prepare the cream that will be the main component of the cake, you will need to mix sweet milk with cocoa and sugar. You can also add fresh strawberries or other fruits to your taste. Mix well until you get a smooth and tasty cream. Step 4: Arrange the layers To create the cake, you will need to arrange the layers in a sophisticated way. Start with a layer of natural biscuits at the bottom of the mold, and spread the prepared cream on it. Repeat until you finish all the layers, and finish with a layer of cream in the shape of fruits or strawberries for decoration. Step 5: Chill and enjoy! For the cake to be perfect, you must chill it in the refrigerator for at least two hours. When the cake is cold and the cream has set, you can cut it into slices and serve it to your guests. You can also add some cocoa or confetti sugar to decorate and give the cake an extra taste. And here, the perfect biscuit cake is ready to be served! As you have seen, making the cake is simple and fast, and you can add your personal touch with fruit or additional toppings. So make this cake at home and enjoy a simple and delicious recipe that will make everyone happy. Enjoy!

Biscuit cake with vanilla cream – an easy and delicious recipe

In the world of baking there is a wide variety of recipes for different cakes, but the biscuit cake with vanilla cream is one of them that is suitable for anyone looking for a simple and delicious recipe. This recipe is suitable for anyone who likes to bake or simply enjoy delicious and easy-to-prepare cakes. The recipe for biscuit cake with vanilla cream is simple and easy to prepare, and does not require special baking knowledge or special tools. The main ingredients for the recipe are biscuits, vanilla cream and milk. You can also add extras such as dried fruit, chocolate or some coffee always according to your personal taste. Start by grinding the biscuits into small crumbs. This can be done with a hand towel or with a food grinder. When the biscuits are ground into crumbs, add some butter and mix well until the crumbs come together and combine with the butter. You can also add a few spoons of cream to make the biscuits a softer and tastier cream. After that, break the biscuits into a round or rectangular pan and reveal the crumbs at the bottom of the pan. A mold with an adjustable bottom can be used to make the job easier. Then, pour half of the vanilla cream on the biscuits and spread it evenly over the surface of the pan. After that, prepare the second layer of biscuits and vanilla cream. You can also add toppings like dried fruit or chocolate to the second layer to add extra flavor to the cake. Then, pour the second layer over the first layer and spread it evenly over the surface of the mold. To finish, pour the milk over the cake and spread it evenly over the surface of the pan. You can use a spoon to spread the milk evenly over the cake. After that, put the cake in the refrigerator for about two hours so that the biscuits combine with the cream and the cake sets. After the cake sets in the fridge, you can take it out and scrape some chocolate over it to add extra flavor. You can also grate dry fruits or add fresh fruits like strawberries or bananas to add color and flavor to the cake. The cake is ready to serve! It can be cut into slices and served with a cup of coffee or tea. The cake will be soft and delicious and will suit anyone who likes flavors

Biscuits and chocolate cake – an indulgent and quick recipe to prepare

biscuit cake recipe If you are looking for a simple and quick recipe to make at home, a biscuit and chocolate cake is the perfect choice for you. This recipe is not only very tasty, but also easy to prepare and suitable for anyone who does not have much time to cook. All you need is a few simple ingredients and a few minutes in the kitchen to create a delicious cake that will surprise your guests. The recipe is suitable for anyone who likes the sweet taste of biscuits and chocolate, and is also suitable for children who like to help in the kitchen. All you need is a packet of biscuits, milk chocolate or chocolate chips, butter and some sugar. You can also add toppings like whipped cream or dried fruits to your taste. Start by grinding the biscuits into small crumbs using a food processor or by placing them in a plastic bag and pounding them with wooden sticks. In a separate bowl, melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave or in a saucepan over low heat until they are completely melted. Then, add the sugar to the chocolate mixture and mix well until the sugar is combined with the chocolate. Then, add the biscuits to the chocolate mixture and mix well until they are covered with chocolate on all sides. You can also add additional toppings such as whipped cream or dried fruits if necessary. After that, transfer the mixture to a pan lined with baking paper and spread it evenly. The cake should set in the refrigerator for at least two hours until the chocolate sets completely. After that, the cake can be cut into squares and served. The cake can also be prepared in advance and kept in the refrigerator until before serving. The biscuit and chocolate cake is an indulgent and quick recipe to prepare that can suit any situation and event. It is also suitable as a quick solution before a birthday celebration or as a wonderful dish for dinner with the family. You can prepare it with children and enjoy the fun of making a recipe together. In the end, the biscuit and chocolate cake is a simple and delicious recipe that can suit anyone who likes the sweet taste of biscuits and chocolate. You can add toppings like whipped cream or dried fruits to your taste and create different versions of the recipe. So make this cake at home and enjoy the perfect taste and textures of biscuits and chocolate

Biscuits and cream cheese cake – delicious and impressive for events

In the culinary world, there is a wide variety of recipes for different cakes. Easy and quick recipes, complex and indulgent recipes, and of course – recipes that combine different flavors and create great pleasure for dessert lovers. One of the successful and favorite recipes of many is a biscuit and cream cheese cake. This cake is not only delicious and impressive, but also simple to prepare and suitable for any situation and occasion. It is suitable for dinner with the family, birthday events or any other special event. In addition, the cake can be improved and adapted to everyone’s personal tastes. The recipe for biscuits and cream cheese cake includes two main ingredients – biscuits and cream cheese. The biscuits are used as a base for the cake and provide a pleasant taste and a pleasant texture. The cream cheese consists of creamy cheese, sugar and additional additives such as vanilla or spices. The cream cheese is used as a filling and gives the cake the sweet and creamy taste. The preparation of the cake is simple and fast. It only takes a few minutes to make the cream cheese and a few minutes to make the biscuits. After that, everything is put together and the cake is prepared to cool in the refrigerator for a few hours. When the cake cools, the biscuits combine with cream cheese and create a unique and sweet taste. The cake can be improved and adapted to everyone’s personal tastes. You can add fresh fruits such as strawberries or passion fruit to cream cheese, or use different types of biscuits such as chickpea biscuits or chocolate biscuits. Additions such as ground chocolate or chocolate slices can also be added to cream cheese to give additional taste and an impressive appearance. In the end, a biscuit and cream cheese cake is a simple and indulgent recipe that is suitable for any situation and event. It combines different flavors and creates great pleasure for everyone who tries it. So if you are looking for an easy and quick recipe for a sweet and impressive cake, a biscuit and cream cheese cake is the perfect choice. Try it and enjoy its sweet and creamy taste!

Biscuits and fruit cake – a light and sweet recipe for summer

In the hot and crazy summer, all you want is something light and sweet before lunch or after dinner. If you are looking for a recipe that combines both, I recommend a biscuit and fruit cake. This is a simple and easy recipe to prepare, which will suit anyone who likes sweet and fresh. This recipe is also an excellent solution for anyone looking for a light and healthy recipe. It combines light biscuits and fresh fruit, and does not contain unnecessary oils or sweet sugar. So if you are planning a birthday celebration or a summer party, you can make this cake to surprise your guests with a light and sweet recipe. The recipe is easily found online and can be adapted to your tastes and preferences. I like to use delicious biscuits and classic cream cheese, but you can use any kind of biscuits you like. You can also add different fruits according to the season and your taste. I recommend using fresh fruit such as strawberries, passion fruit and mango, but you can also use used or canned fruit. Making the cake is very simple. First, prepare the cream cheese according to the instructions in the recipe. After that, break the biscuits according to the size of your mold and place them in one layer at the bottom of the mold. Place a layer of cream cheese on the biscuits and sprinkle fresh fruit on the cream. Continue to assemble such layers until you reach the kibbutz of the pattern. To finish, cover the cake with baking paper and put it in the refrigerator for about two hours. When the cake is set, you can take it out of the fridge and serve it as is or add additional decorations such as fresh fruit or whipped cream. This cake is not only delicious and sweet, but also looks indulgent and suitable for any occasion. It is suitable for dinner with the family, a picnic outside or a birthday party. It is also suitable for anyone looking for a light and sweet recipe for the summer. In summary, a biscuit and fruit cake is a simple and easy recipe that combines sweet and fresh. It is suitable for anyone who likes sweet and fresh, and it can be adjusted to your tastes and preferences. So try this recipe and enjoy another taste of summer!